Affiliate Disclosure

Last Updated: September 9, 2023

WebStories USA is a participant in various affiliate marketing programs designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to products, services, and websites that we believe can offer value to our readers. When you click on affiliate links and make a purchase, we may earn a small commission, at no additional cost to you.

How Affiliate Marketing Works

Affiliate marketing is a common and legitimate way for websites like ours to generate revenue. Here’s how it works:

  • We research and recommend products or services that we genuinely believe in and think will benefit our readers.
  • We provide unique affiliate links to these products or services.
  • When you click on one of these affiliate links and make a purchase, the company or platform tracks the sale back to us via cookies or other tracking methods.
  • In return for driving customers to their products or services, we may earn a small commission.

Why We Use Affiliate Links

We use affiliate links as a means to support and maintain WebStories USA. These commissions help cover the costs associated with running this blog, including hosting fees, content creation, and website maintenance. Importantly, we want to emphasize that our primary focus is always on providing valuable and unbiased content to our readers.

Transparency and Trust

Maintaining your trust is of utmost importance to us. We want to be transparent about our use of affiliate links. Rest assured that our recommendations are based on our genuine belief in the quality and value of the products or services we recommend, and not solely on the potential for earning a commission.

You have the choice to use or not use our affiliate links when making a purchase. The decision is entirely yours, and it does not impact your cost in any way. We appreciate your support if you choose to use our affiliate links, as it helps us continue to provide high-quality content.

Thank you for being a valued reader and supporter of WebStories USA. Your trust and readership are essential to our continued success.


Shailesh Yadav, Founder, WebStories USA

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